
NoAW videos and TV interviews

Project videos

NoAW project video (2017)

NoAW- Science in Wine- Work package 2 meeting in Belgrade (2018)

NoAW – Agrocycle Stakeholder event in Beijing (22-23. 10. 2018)

NoAW mid-term result presentation (2019)

NoAW-DTU: ensuring the environmental performance of an emerging bio-economy (2019)

A glimpse into the work going on at DTU under the NoAW project – utilizing quantitative sustainability assessment to ensure the environmental performance of emerging bio-product technologies.

System change or climate change?

How research is carried out by PhD student at DTU, under the NoAW project, is optimizing solutions for the bioeconomy (2019)

TV interviews

David Bolzonella’s interview about possible emerging plastic alternatives (in Italian, 25/01/2018, Program Focus, Telenuovo Verona)


Video of the pilot plant (realised by Innoven and La Sapienza operating at La Torre farm, Isola della Scala, Verona) that appeared in  on the news of a local TV  plant .


Overview of NoAW’s vision, aligned with the principals of circular economy to inspire the future generation to reshape the meaning and the use of agricultural crops (2020)

Bioenergia és bioanyagok mezőgazdasági hulladékokból


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