
icRS 2020, June 30-July 2

2020. June 30.

Event place: Dublin, O'Brien Centre For Science

The 2020 International Conference on Resource Sustainability (icRS 2020) will be held on June 30-July 2, 2020 in Dublin, Ireland. icRS 2020 will be hosted by University College Dublin, led by Prof. Pezhman Ghadimi. Please visit the icRS website at http://www.icrsconf.com or the icRS 2020 direct link at http://icrs2020dublin.ucd.ie for more information

The deadline of abstract submission has been extended to November 30, 2019

icRS 2020 will accept two types of submissions, i.e. full conference articles, and extended abstracts. Participation in the conference is possible by either of these two types of submissions. Attendance without submitting a contribution or with accompanying persons is also possible.

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