NoAW posters and presentations on events
Campden Day Hungary (11th of November 2021)
Main findings of NoAW was presented on Campden Day in Budapest. Discussions with peers provided a great opportunity to introduce outcomes, including the best practice guideline developed in the NoAW project.
Waste Management and Valorisation for a Sustainable Future Conference (26-28th October 2021)
NoAW results will be presented by Nathalie Gontard.
- Title: Innovative approaches to turn agricultural waste into ecological and economic assets – the NoAW project
NoAW National dissemination workshop in Greece (29th January 2021, online)
The event was organized by NTUA virtually via webex on the 29/1/2020 with 25 participants including stakeholders from the scientific community, the industry and policy makers.
- The program gave an overview about biomass biorefinery approach and introduced NoAW’s achievements.
NoAW on the European Researchers’ Night (27th November 2020, online)
This year, researchers from the University of Bologna presented NoAW on the European Researchers’ Night. The presentation showed to show everyone – adults, families, and children – how much difference research can make in our lives, helping to win the most difficult challenges, giving us hope for the future.
- Scarti agroalimentari: nuove opportunità per un futuro verde. (Annamaria Celli, Maura Ferri, Claudio Gioia, Stefania Monari, Mirko Salinitro, Annalisa Tassoni, Grazia Totaro, Micaela Vannini; UNIBO)
NoAW workshop on Campden BRI Day (19th of November 2020, online)
We introduced the NoAW project to 87 Hungarian stakeholders and highlighted the importance of systematic approach for identification of sources, causes and valorisation opportunities of agricultural waste, introduced the main NoAW products, best practice examples and business & marketing concepts for valorisation of agro-wastes.
- Hungarian presentation is available here!
NoAW training in Hungary (13th of November 2020, online)
The NoAW training for farms and businesses about good practices of handling agricultural wastes provided an opportunity to learn about valuable agricultural residues, the sustainable strategies for the valorisation of manure, straw and winery waste and business models.
NoAW on Ecomondo Fair (4th of November 2020, Virtual Rimini)
GCIA presented NoAW project in Ecomondo Fair (Virtual Rimini 3rd – 5th of November 2020) with the help of the young farmers organization ANGA.
- “Confagricoltura e ANGA: I progetti europei di ricerca ed innovazione sulla sostenibilità, a partire da NOAW”
NoAW online training in China (16th of July 2020)
IAPPST organized an online meeting (the Enlarged Council Meeting of Sweet Potato Starch-Specialized Committee, China Starch Industry Association) on July 16, during which we carried out the NoAW training to 55 people from factories and scientific research institutes.
- Presentation in Chinese.
NoAW National dissemination workshop in Taiwan (14th of July 2020, Taiwan)
ITRI organized the national dissemination workshop in Chinese with the involvement of more than 50 participants, including NoAW KESP members.
NoAW webinar in Italian (14th of July 2020, Webinar)
UNIBO presented the results of NoAW project on Innovation Group Meeting of GCIA for Italian young farmers and farmers’ unions
- Da scarti vinicoli a composti bioattivi e bioplastiche: il contributo del progetto europeo NoAW all’economia circolare (Prof. Micaela Vannini, Stefania Monari, Maura Ferri; UNIBO)
International Urban Planning Salon (8th of November 2019, Nis, Serbia)
Poster introducing the multi-criteria evaluation tool developed in the NOAW project received the 3rd prize!
- NoAW poster:Multi-criteria evaluation tool (B. Josimivic, IAUS)
NoAW at BioVal Workshop (10th of December)
SOFIES (NoAW project partner) will be moderating BIOVAL workshop in Fribourg on 10th of December! Do not miss it!
— NoAW2020 (@NoAW2020) November 12, 2019
Innoven presented NoAW at Workshop Embrace (29th of November)
Campden Day Hungary (26th of November, Budapest, Hungary)
Settimana del Buon Vivere (25 September 2019, Forli, Italy)
- NoAW presentation: Nuove bioplastiche da scarti agricoli e alimentari (A. Tassoni, A. Celli, UNIBO)
Biologically Active Compounds in Food 2019, 3rd International Conference (19 – 20 September, 2019 Łódź, Poland)
- NoAW presentation: Extraction of functional biomolecules from organic wastes (Lorenzo Bertin, UNIBO)
International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Management / ICEEM (18-21 September 2019, Iasi, Romania)
- NoAW poster: Concentration of carboxylic acids from acidogenic fermentation effluents by membrane (E.Morselli, J.M.B. Domingos UNIBO)
Illy Workshop (11 September 2019,Trieste, Italy) :
The workshop explored the potentials of residual biomasses for eco-compatible and sustainable food packaging
- NoAW presentation: Valorization strategies of food residues towards sustainable materials (Annamaria Celli, UNIBO)
7th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management (26-29 June 2019, Heraklion, Greece)
- NoAW presentation: From wine pomace and potato wastes to novel PHA-based bio-composites: examples of sustainable routes for full valorisation of the agro-wastes (Micaela Vannini, UNIBO)
7th International Conference on Biobased and Biodegradable Polymers ( 17-19th June 2019, Stockholm, Sweden)
The conference has the aim to provide a forum for researchers, students and companies from all over the world to exchange up-to-date ideas and opinions on current research and new applications of biopolymers and biocomposites.
- NoAW presentation: Vanillic acid: A natural aromatic building block for the design of new copolymers with tunable properties (Annamaria Celli, UNIBO)
Biologia Cellulare e Molecolare” e “Biotecnologie e Differenziamento”, Società Botanica Italiana (12-14 June 2019, Napoli, Italy)
- NoAW presentation: Comparison of extraction protocols for the recovery of bioactive molecules from white grape pomace (Annalisa Tassoni, UNIBO )
Edu-care course (28th of May 2019, Bologna, Italy)
The course is called and aims at educating people to the health an good practices for a better environment.
- NoAW presentation: Annalisa Tassoni and Annamaria Celli (UNIBO) have explained the valorization of food waste to produce bio-active molecules and polymers.
Eurofillers Polymerblends 2019 (April 23-26, 2019, Palermo, Italy)
The Conference aims to bring together researchers from academia, research organizations and industry in the very important area of filled systems and polymer blends.
- NoAW presentation: Assessing the potential of vine shoots particles as fillers in biopolyester based biocomposites. (Grégoire DAVID, UM)
13ª International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference ( 2 – 4 of October, 2018, Averio, Portugal)
This conference as been regularly organized in Portugal since 1975 and returns to Aveiro for the second time. This series of conferences is a forum for discussion of recent developments and future directions in different areas of chemical engineering, materials science and engineering, biotechnology and biological engineering.
- NoAW presentation: Polyhydroxyalcanoates production from agricultural waste and domestic waste water with phototrophic purple bacteria (Joana Fradinho, IBET)
AICIng 2018- XI Congresso Nazionale dell’Associazione Italiana di Chimica per Ingegneria (9-12 September 2018, Bologna, Italy)
- NoAW poster: Scarti agricoli e agro-industriali: una risorsa da sfruttare per nuovi bio-polimeri nell’ambito dei progetti europei NoAW e Agrimax ( Annamaria Celli and Micaela Vannini, UNIBO)
4th International Conference of Bio-based Polymers and Composite 2018 (September 2-6, 2018, Balatonfüred, Hungary)
This conference is organized for the fourth time in 2018 with a renewed scope reflecting the current trends in the synthesis and application of biopolymers.
- NoAW presentation: Gas-phase esterification of lignocellulosic particles for biocomposite applications (Grégoire DAVID, UM)
International Conference on Polyphenols + Tannin Conference 2018 (16th and 20th July in Madison, Wisconsin, USA)
This conference brings together the world’s premier society of scientists in the fields of polyphenol chemistry, bioactivity, nutrition, industrial applications, synthesis, and ecology.
- NoAW presentation: Depolymerized Condensed Tannins as Biobased Aromatic Building Blocks (Guillaume Billerach, INRA)
Euromembrane 2018 (9-13 July 2018, Valencia , Spain)
- NoAW poster: Concentration and selective separation of carboxylic acids from fermented effluents by employing membrane processes (J.M.B. Domingos and G.A.Martinez,
7th European Bioremediation Conference (EBC-VII) and the 11th International Society for Environmental Biotechnology conference (ISEB 2018) (25-28 June 2018, Chania ,Greece)
- NoAW presentatiom: Concentration of carboxylic acids from acidogenic fermentation effluents by membrane processes (J.M.B. Domingos and G.A.Martinez, UNIBO)
4th Ecotechnologies for Wastewater Treatment ( 25 – 27 June 2018, London, Ontario, Canada).
The goal of this conference is to facilitate the efficient transfer of knowledge into practice – removing roadblocks between scientific discoveries and commercial implementation, essentially bridging the “valley-of-death” in the innovation cycle.
Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) (13-17 May 2018, Rome, Italy)
SETAC Rome was a 5-day event featuring a variety of training, networking and learning opportunities about emerging research, regulatory developments and the latest methodologies in environmental toxicology and chemistry.
- NoAW poster:Innovative method to optimize territorial organic waste resources (Giovanna Croxatto Vega, DTU)
Presentation for the classic high school “Galvani” in Bologna (26th of April, 2018, Bologna, Italy)
UNIBO introduced the NoAW project in the Classic High School Galvani
- NoAW presentation: Agricoltura: la seconda vita degli scarti (Annamaria Celli, UNIBO)
Eco-BIO 2018 (4-7 March 2018, Dublin, Ireland)
ECO-BIO 2018 brings together representatives from both academia and industry to highlight progress and recent developments and the necessary steps to make the biobased economy a reality.
- NoAW poster: The potential of utilization of photosynthetic mixed culture systems for polyhydroxyalkanoates production from agricultural wastes and wastewater (Joana Fradinho, IBET)
12th International European Forum (Igls-Forum) on System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks (7 February 2018, Innsbruck, Austria)
This forum featured presentations and discussions, which fostered exchange of knowledge, creativity, and the development of new ideas for innovative and interdisciplinary research.
- NoAW poster: Enhancing members’ commitment to stakeholder platforms (András Sebők, CBHU)
European Advanced Materials Congress (22-24 August 2017, Stockholm, Sweden)
The goal of EAMC 2017 is to provide a global platform for researchers and engineers coming from academia and industry to present their research results and activities in the field of fundamental and interdisciplinary research of materials science and technology.
- NoAW poster: Gas-esterification of cellulose particles for the production PHBVbased biocomposites (Gregorie David et al. INRA)
11th International European Forum (Igls-Forum) on System Dynamics and Innovation in Food Networks (13-17 February 2018, Innsbruck, Austria)
This forum featured presentations and discussions, which fostered exchange of knowledge, creativity, and the development of new ideas for innovative and interdisciplinary research.
- NoAW poster: Value chain based approach for identification of sources, causes and valorisation opportunities of agricultural waste (András Sebők, CBHU)
ICEEM/09 – 9th International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Management – Circular Economy and Environmental Sustainability (6-9 September, 2017)
- NoAW presentation: Winery waste: a source of high added value biomolecules, exploitable within the H2020 NOAW project (M. Ferri, M. Vannini, UNIBO)